Runtime specification
By default, all our runners have their timezone set to UTC, regardless of their location.
Resource limitations
Each Browser and Multistep check can use up to 2.9 GiB
of memory and 2 CPU
This limit applies to all processes spawned by the check, including the browser, the test framework, and the test code itself.
The limit is enforced by the runner and is not configurable.
When the memory limit is exceeded, the check will automatically fail with a relevant error message, for example:
Your check has reached the maximum memory usage of 2.9 GiB
Built-in Node.js modules
- assert
- buffer
- crypto
- dns
- fs
- path
- querystring
- readline
- stream
- string_decoder
- timers
- tls
- url
- util
- zlib
See the built-in module documentation on the official Node.js site:
NPM packages
These are the currently available runtimes and the included external NPM dependencies.
The packages below are included for setup and teardown scripts as well, with the exclusion of Puppeteer, Playwright and Mocha.
We are planning to deprecate
in the future. Please use@playwright/test
as a test framework instead.
Main updates are Playwright 1.42.1. Node version is 18. New dependencies: @opentelemetry/exporter-metrics-otlp-grpc, @opentelemetry/sdk-metrics, chai-json-schema, pdf2json, protobufjs, long and the nice-grpc family.
@axe-core/playwright 4.8.5
@azure/identity 4.3.0
@azure/keyvault-secrets 4.8.0
@dvag/playwright-utils latest
@faker-js/faker 8.4.1
@google-cloud/local-auth 3.0.1
@opentelemetry/api 1.7.0
@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics 1.22.0
@playwright/test 1.42.1
@t3-oss/env-nextjs 0.9.2
@xmldom/xmldom 0.8.10
allure-playwright latest
aws4 1.12.0
axios 0.28.0
btoa 1.2.1
chai 4.4.1
chai-json-schema 1.5.1
chai-string 1.5.0
crypto-js 4.2.0
date-fns 3.3.1
date-fns-tz 3.1.3
dotenv 16.4.5
ethers 6.11.1
expect 29.7.0
form-data 4.0.0
gmail-api-parse-message-ts 2.2.32
google-auth-library 9.6.3
googleapis 133.0.0
graphql 16.9.0
graphql-tag 2.12.6
jose 5.2.2
jsdom 24.0.0
jsonwebtoken 9.0.2
lodash 4.17.21
long 5.2.3
moment 2.30.1
nice-grpc 2.1.8
nice-grpc-common 2.0.2
nice-grpc-error-details 0.2.5
nice-grpc-opentelemetry 0.1.14
nice-grpc-prometheus 0.2.3
nice-grpc-server-health 2.0.10
nice-grpc-server-reflection 2.0.10
nice-grpc-web 3.3.3
otpauth 9.2.2
pdf2json 3.0.5
playwright 1.42.1
prisma 5.10.2
protobufjs 7.2.6
protobufjs/light 7.2.6
protobufjs/minimal 7.2.6
tedious 18.2.0
twilio 4.23.0
uuid 9.0.1
ws 8.16.0
xml-crypto 4.0.1
xml-encryption 3.0.2
zod 3.22.4
Main updates are Playwright 1.38.1 and the addition of ethers 6.7.1, prisma 5.1.1, zod 3.22.2, @t3-oss/env-nextjs 0.6.1 and @xmldom/xmldom 0.8.10. Node version is 18.
@faker-js/faker 8.0.2
@google-cloud/local-auth 3.0.0
@opentelemetry/api 1.4.1
@playwright/test 1.38.1
@t3-oss/env-nextjs 0.6.1
@xmldom/xmldom 0.8.10
aws4 1.12.0
axios 0.27.2
btoa 1.2.1
chai 4.3.7
chai-string 1.5.0
crypto-js 4.1.1
date-fns 2.30.0
date-fns-tz 2.0.0
dotenv 16.3.1
ethers 6.7.1
expect 29.6.2
form-data 4.0.0
gmail-api-parse-message-ts 2.2.32
google-auth-library 9.0.0
googleapis 126.0.0
jose 4.14.4
jsdom 22.1.0
jsonwebtoken 9.0.1
lodash 4.17.21
moment 2.29.4
node 18.x
otpauth 9.1.4
playwright 1.38.1
prisma 5.1.1
twilio 4.15.0
uuid 9.0.0
ws 8.13.0
xml-crypto 4.1.0
xml-encryption 3.0.2
zod 3.22.2
Main updates are Playwright 1.32.1, faker 7.6.0 and the addition of date-fns 2.29.3 and ws 8.13.0. We are also dropping support for Mocha.
@faker-js/faker 7.6.0
@google-cloud/local-auth 2.1.1
@opentelemetry/api 1.0.4
@playwright/test 1.32.3
@xmldom/xmldom 0.8.10
aws4 1.11.0
axios 0.27.2
btoa 1.2.1
chai 4.3.7
chai-string 1.5.0
crypto-js 4.1.1
date-fns 2.29.3
date-fns-tz 2.0.0
expect 29.3.1
form-data 4.0.0
gmail-api-parse-message-ts 2.2.32
google-auth-library 8.8.0
googleapis 118.0.0
jose 4.14.1
jsdom 21.1.2
jsonwebtoken 9.0.0
lodash 4.17.21
moment 2.29.2
node 16.x
otpauth 9.0.2
playwright 1.32.3
twilio 4.11.1
typescript 4.8.4
uuid 9.0.0
ws 8.13.0
xml-crypto 4.0.1
xml-encryption 3.0.2
Main updates are Playwright 1.28.0, Node.js 16.x and Typescript support. We are also dropping support for Puppeteer
@faker-js/faker 5.5.3
@opentelemetry/api 1.0.4
@playwright/test 1.28.0
aws4 1.11.0
axios 0.27.2
btoa 1.2.1
chai 4.3.7
chai-string 1.5.0
crypto-js 4.1.1
expect 29.3.1
form-data 4.0.0
jsonwebtoken 8.5.1
lodash 4.17.21
mocha 10.1.0
moment 2.29.2
node 16.x
otpauth 9.0.2
playwright 1.28.0
typescript 4.8.4
uuid 9.0.0
Last updated on September 10, 2024. You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github